Choral preludes from Mus. Ms. 30439
Manuscript Mus. Ms. 30439 owned by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin is an interesting manuscript. It contains five different fascicles, some reasonably preserved, others deteriorated to the point of not being readable anymore. The second fascicle contains 16 chorale preludes of unnamed composers. Four of these are from others sources known to be composed by Johann Pachelbel and three of them by Johann Michael Bach. But the composer of the other 9 remain uncertain.
This edition contains all 16 pieces. The manuscript is made available to the public in digital form. The 16 pieces were previously posted seperately on this site. Now they are integrated into one edition. A pdf is available below. A printed copy can be ordered at in a both a colour (more expensive) and a black and white (cheaper) version. The costs are the costs of lulu, there is no profit in it for me (there is of course a margin for lulu).
Choral preludes from Mus. ms. 30439
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