Christian Gotthilf Tag, Wach auf mein Herz und singe
When you listen to Tag’s choral prelude to “Wach auf mein Herz und Singe” you can not but wonder whether he and Johann Christoph Oley knew each other. Tag’s choral prelude is very similar to the prelude Oley composed the the choral “Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern”. As they are of the same generation it is almost certain that one of them inspired the other. Unfortunately I don’t know in which year each prelude was composed, so I can’t be certain who inspired whom. As Tag is, in my opinion, the better composer, I suspect that Oley’s prelude was inspired by Tag’s. It is certainly one of the better in Oley’s output.
The bass plays in the first bar a syncopated line, with al the notes on the weak half of the quarter note. It gives a nice effect, but is very hard to play. For comparison, score and recording of Oley’s composition are here
The recording was done on the sample set of the Müller-organ in the Sint Bavokerk in Haarlem by Voxus Organs for Hauptwerk.
Tag, Wach auf mein Herz und singe
Views: 16
Nice and strong piece, thanks!
Glad you like it!