Christian Reichardt, Es ist das Heil uns kommen her
The same manuscript that contains Christian Reichardt’s prelude to “Vater unser im Himmelreich” contains three more preludes that were probably written by Reichardt. The last of these three, is a three part prelude to “Es ist das Heil uns kommen her”. A well written piece, though not really special. It shows crhaftmanship, but not real ingenuity.
The recording was done with the sample set of the Silbermann organ of the Stadtkirche Zöblitz by Prospectum.
Reichardt, Es ist dat Heil uns kommen her
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Christian Reichardt taught Jakob Adlung organ. Some teacher qualities he must have, maybe basic skills. Thanks for the music of Reichardt! There are two oder pieces by Reichardt a bicinium of Freu dich sehr o meine Seele. And: 3 variations of Wer nur der lieben Gott lasst walten.
I have not yet found manuscript sources for those two pieces, unfortunately. The scores are however available in the public domain, so perhaps I’ll create new scores for them anyway.