Friedrich Christian Samuel Mohrheim, Trio 1 in G dur
Friedrich Christian Samuel Mohrheim (1719 – 1780) was a German musician. He attended the Thomasschule in Leipzig from 1733 to 1736, and, like other J.S. Bach’s pupils, acted as copyist for him during this period. His handwriting is recognizable in copies of for example the Mattheus Passion. In 1764 he became Kapellmeister in the Marienbasilika in Danzig where he remained till his death.
Mohrheim wrote several works for organ, including 7 Trio’s. This is the first, in G major.
The recording was done the sampleset, made by Sonus Paradis, of the Transept organ in the Laurenskerk, Rotterdam.
Mohrheim, Trio G dur
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