Johann Georg Schübler, Fuga “Lass mich gehn, denn dort kommt meine Mutter her”
Johann Georg Schübler (1720 (?) – 1755) was a German engraver and organist, who belonged to the Schübler family of artisians from Zella in the Turingian forrest. He studied with Bach in Leipzig during the early 1740s and spent the rest of his life as an organist and a teacher Mehlis. Nowadays Schübler is primarely known as the engraver of the “Sechs Choräle von verschiedener Art…” (BWV 645-650) “In Verlegung Joh. Georg Schübler zu Zella am Thüringer Walde”. However, he also composed some music himself. I know of one Trio for organ and of the fugue presented here today.
The fugue “Lass mich gehn, denn dort kommt meine Mutter her” has the same theme (and counter subject) as the fugue BWV 578 by Johann Sebastian Bach. Is it a composition exercise set by Bach? Is the title (which translates as “Let me go, for there comes my mother”) Schübler’s own idea? Or was it an existing song and is Bach’s fugue then also based on that (children’s) song?
The recording was done on the sample set of the Silbermann organ of the Stadtkirche Zöblitz by Prospectum.
Schübler, Fuga
Views: 43
Same theme as BWV 578 not BWV 587.
Yes, you’re right. I’ll update the description. Thanks.
In bar 13, on the 2nd beat, I wonder whether a trill on B flat, consistent with bar 7, is intended. Even if not intended I think it would be preferable
– David
Yes, most likely the same trill as in bar 7 should have been written in bar 13. However, the trill is not written in the manuscript. I chose to follow the manuscript; perhaps I should have added a footnote.
I guess I though that everyone would add that thrill spontaneously whiile playing. In my own performance I do play the trill….