Update: new builds made on 29th November 2021
After two years I finally have again a working cross compiling platform, and I succeeded in building Lilypond for Windows and Linux for the x86-platform (32 bit). The Documentation is available as well.
Note : These are just my own builds. See for the official stable and unstable releases Lilypond’s website.
Linux x86
Linux 64
I build a version for Linux 64 bit machines seperately from the latest development source. As I have no idea how to create an installer script, so I just created an archive of the software folder.
I compiled Lilypond from source on my arm-based tablet. With the aid of a program called “CheckInstall” I managed to create an installable deb-file and succesfully installed it on one of my Raspberry Pies. So I guess it can be installed on other arm-based systems as well. The deb file is here: build_2.23.5-1_armhf.deb. Just copy it to a folder on your Raspberry Pi (or other arm-based machine) and install it with
dpkg -i lilypond_2.21.0_armhf.deb
To run Lilypond I needed to install three more dependencies on my Raspberry: guile 1.8, Libpangoft and ghostscript. The most recent version of Raspbian is based on Debian Stretch and Guile 1.8 is not part of Stretch. To be able to install it, you have to modify the sources.list of apt-get. Type:
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
add the line
deb http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian jessie main
and save the file. Then run
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install guile-1.8-dev
The other two dependecies are installed by typing:
sudo apt-get install libpangoft2-1.0
sudo apt-get install ghostscript
After that, you should be able to run Lilypond on your Raspberry.
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