Johann Adam Hiller (?), Freu dich sehr o meine Seele
One of the last pieces I transcribed from the “Wochentliche Nachrichten der Musik betreffend” is a nice prelude to the choral “Freu dich sehr o meine Seele”. Since the music does not indicate a composer in the original source, I ascribed it to the editor of the magazine, Adam Hiller. But that is of course just a wild guess. It actually has a lot in common with pieces by Kehl I published earlier. So I would not be suprised if it turns out to be from one of his volumes of “einiger variierender Choräle”. If anyone knows for sure, I’d very much like to hear it.
The choral melody is played on the Rugwerk, the accompaniment is played on the Manuaal. Though the piece is actually a manualiter, I play the long notes at the end of each phrase of the chorale melody on the pedals. That way my right hand can switch back to the Manuaal. I’m not good in cross manual playing with one hand…
The recording was done on the sample set of the Bader-organ in the Walburgiskerk in Zutphen by Sonus Paradisi for Hauptwerk.
Manuaal: Prestant 8′, Octaaf 4′
Rugwerk: Prestant 4′, Octaaf 2′
Hiller (?), Freu dich sehr o meine Seele
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