Andreas Nicolaus Vetter, Lobt Gott ihr Christen all’ zugleich
A good portion of Vetter’s music was lost during the second World War. Manuscripts containing free organ works were destroyed. The prelude on “Lobt Gott ihr Christen all’ zugleich” gives a glimpse of what those free organ pieces may have sounded like. Though it is in fact a fugue on the first line of the choral melody, it also has a very free, rhapsody-like character.
The recording was done on the sample set of the Bader-organ in the Walburgiskerk in Zutphen by Sonus Paradisi for Hauptwerk.
Manuaal: Prestant 8′, Octaaf 4′, Octaaf 2′, Mixtuur, Trompet 8′ bas, Trompet 8′ discant
Rugwerk: Octaaf 4′, Octaaf 2′, Mixtuur, Kromhoorn 8′
Vetter, Lobt Gott ihr Christen all’ zugleich
Views: 28
There are free organ works of Vetter. Prealudiums und Fuges. These are not all destroyed.
Okay, that’s new to me. I could not find anything, but clearly did not look far enough.
Thanks for the correction.
4 (8) Fugues, 2 Prealudiums und 1 Prealudium und Fuge.