Paul Siefert (?), Fantasia secundi Toni ex D (Becker II.2.51)
The second fantasia from manuscript Becker II.2.51 is written in the second church mode, centered around tonal centre D. It has no less then 4 sections, each with a different theme, though you have to pay close attention to immediately spot the beginning of a new section. The principal in this performance comes from the Schnittger organ in Zöblitz, sampled by Prosectum (
Anonymus, Fantasia secundi Toni ex D
Views: 17
hello dear Author, I find that this fantasia has an uncanny similarity with the first part of the weĺl known “Spiritata’ canzona ascribed to G Gabrieli, What do you think? with best wishes for New Year
Hello Daniel,
I was not familiar with that Canzona, but it looks like the first part of this Fantasia is an adaptation from Gabrieli’s Canzona. Perhaps the other parts of the Fantasia are as well. I don’t know much about the music of Gabrieli so I can’t tell.
if you want i can send you Gabrieli’s canzona on y our e mail by end of the month (I” m presently on travel) , best regards
ps in this case please indicate your email
That would be nice. Email cant be sent to admin at partitura dot org.