Anonymus, Fuga Colorata
Almost three years a go I created a publication containing all organ works by Simon Lohet (Loxhay) (c. 1550 – 1611), a Flemish composer, possibly born in Maastricht.
The primary source for Lohet’s remaining known works is Johann Woltz’s Nova musices organicae tabulatura (Basel, 1617). The bulk of Lohet’s small surviving output consists of twenty keyboard fugues, which are also his most historically important works. Besides the 20 fugues there are four more compositions contained in Woltz’s publication that explicitly name Lohet as the composer.
So my ‘complete’ edition of Lohet’s organ compositions contains these 20 fugues plus the four other works.
On the contact page of my site, I received a comment, stating that the ‘Fuga Colorata’, a work that in Woltz’s publication follows the 24 compositions by Lohet, is also a work by Lohet. Meaning that my complete edition would not be complete after all. However, I cannot verify this claim. The internet (perhaps strangely) does not offer a lot of information on a specialized topic as this. Perhaps someone reading this page knows whether or not this Fuca Colorata, number 74 in the Third part of Woltz’s Nova musices organicae tabulatura (Basel, 1617), is a composition by Simon Lohet? Until I have a confimation of some sorts, I’ll consider this Fuga Colorata an anonymous work. The question itself is however a nice reason to transcribe this piece and publish it.
For those interested, the edition of Lohet’s organ works can be found here
The recording was done on the sampleset, made by Voxus, of the Matthijs van Deventer-orgel in the Grote Kerk, Nijkerk.
Anonymus, Fuga Colorata
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