Anonymus, Herr durch deinen heiligen Leichnam
The fourth piece of the second fascicle of manuscript Mus. Ms 30439 has the incipit “2. Verso Herr durch deinen heiligen Leichnam”. It is the second verse of “Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet”, but it has another melody. Intruiging, but that seems to be the case with this choral.
The procedure used for this choral prelude is one encountered in works by Johann Pachelbel as well. After a fugal introduction the choral melody is stated in the pedal, and unisono in the tenor voice (left hand) as well. Examples in Pachelbel’s oeuvre are “Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn” (which is, incidentally one of the 6 works in this manuscript I do know the author of) and “Vater unser in Himmelreich”.
So for now I adopt as working hypothesis: the works in this fascicle of the manuscript are by Johann Pachelbel or by Johann Michael Bach. And based on the similarities with other works, the choral prelude of today is then from Pachelbel.
Still, just a hypothesis.
The recording was done on the sample set of the Müller-organ in the Sint Bavokerk in Haarlem by Voxus Organs for Hauptwerk.
Rw: Holpijp 8′, Quintadena 8′, Tregterregaal 8′
Ped: Octaaf 8′
Anonymus, Herr durch deinen heiligen Leichnam
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