Anonymus, Erhalt uns Herr bei deinen Wort (Lynar B7)
Manuscript Ms Lynar B7 (the seventh of the so-called Lübbenauer Orgeltabulaturen) contains 5 anonymous choral preludes/variations to Psalms and one…

Anonymus, Psalm 100 (Lynar B7)
The Lynar manuscripts were preserved in the holdings of the Duke of Lynar in Lübbenau, and are therefore also known as the Lübbenauer…

Anonymus, Psalm 116 (Lynar B7)
The Lynar manuscripts were preserved in the holdings of the Duke of Lynar in Lübbenau, and are therefore also known as the Lübbenauer…

Anonymus, Psalm 24 (Lynar B7)
Manuscript Ms Lynar B7 (the seventh of the so-called Lübbenauer Orgeltabulaturen) contains 5 anonymous choral preludes/variations to Psalms and one…

Anonymus, Psalm 5 (Ms Lynar B7)
[I published this piece three weeks ago; it was however not yet backed up when I needed to restore the website’s database this weekend. So, here it…

Anonymus, Psalm 66 (Ms Lynar B7)
The Lynar manuscripts were preserved in the holdings of the Duke of Lynar in Lübbenau, and are therefore also known as the Lübbenauer…
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