Anonymus, Psalm 24 (Lynar B7)
Manuscript Ms Lynar B7 (the seventh of the so-called Lübbenauer Orgeltabulaturen) contains 5 anonymous choral preludes/variations to Psalms and one to the choral “Erhalt uns Herr”. They were probably composed by a contemporary or a student of Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck.
The set of variation on Psalm 24 is already the last composition from this manuscript. And ‘set of variations’ is perhaps too large a title as there are only two. They can both beplayed witgh use of the pedals. The first one, the most beautiful of the two to my ears, lends itself even to play the melody of Psalm 24 with a solo registration. The second variation has the melody in the bass voice, so it can easily be played with a solo registration for the pedals, like a reed 8′ or even a full plenum registration.
To make playing with the pedals more easy I provide a pedaliter score next to the manualiter one. The source gives no indication whether pedals could or should be used or not, so anyone can pick the version he/she likes best.
The recording was done with the Hauptwerk software and the sampleset, made by Sonus Paradisi, of the Klapmeyer organ in the St. Nikolai church in Altenbruch (
Anonymus, Psalm 24 (Lynar B7)
Score (pedaliter)
Anonymus, Psalm 24 (Lynar B7, pedaliter)
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