Anonymus, Wo Gott zum Haus nicht gibt sein Günst
The sixth piece of the second fascicle of manuscript Mus. Ms 30439 is again of unknown origin. But in form it is very similar to “Herr, durch deinen heiligen Leichnam”, from the same manuscript, I uploaded earlier. And that is in turn very similar to two pieces in Pachelbel’s oeuvre: “Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn” (which is, incidentally part of this manuscript as wel) and “Vater unser in Himmelreich”.
Hence the hypothesis: the works in this fascicle of the manuscript are by Johann Pachelbel or by Johann Michael Bach. And based on the similarities with other works, the choral prelude of today could well be from Pachelbel.
The recording was done on the sample set of the Müller-organ in the Sint Bavokerk in Haarlem by Voxus Organs for Hauptwerk.
BW: Praestant 8′, Quintadena 8′, Octaaf 4′, Nasard 3′, Nachthoorn 2′, Sesquialter II
Ped: Holpijp 8, Trompet 8′
Anonymus, Wo Gott zum Haus nicht gibt sein Gunst
Views: 18
I think is a work of J.M. Bach, he was under influence of Pachelbel.
Well, it could be. I’m inclined to think it’s from Pachelbel, because of the similarity with two of his other works. But your guess is as good as mine.