Anonymus, Wo soll ich fliehen hin
Somehow anonymus pieces are less popular than pieces we know the composer of. And where the compositions with known composers get published, the anonymus compositions are often overlooked. And that’s all the more the case when these anonymus compositions are not complete. Nobody publishes incomplete anonymusa compositions and their fate is probably to forever lurk in their manuscripts, hidden away somewhere in a library.
And that’s a shame, because these fragments often turn out to be quite nice pieces of music. Here’s one example. It comes from manuscript Mus. O. 12172, owned by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. The first half of this manuscript contains Kaufmann’s Harmonische Seelenlust. The second half contains chorale preludes from Bach’s Orgelbüchlein and compositions from composers like Kirnberger and Pachelbell, that are in scope and technique very much like the chorale preludes from the Orgelbüchlein. The compositions from Bach, Kirnberger and Pachelbel are all known and published. However, there are also two anonymus compositions between these Orgelbüchlein like works, one of which is left incomplete. I took the liberty to complete it, play it and now publish it.
It’s probably the first and only time this composition will ever be played. Probably best no to ponder too long on that thought, I might get philosophical…
The recording was done with the Sweelinq software and the sampleset of the Vater-Müller organ in the Oude Kerk, Amsterdam (
Anonymus, Wo soll ich fliehen hin
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