Auke Jongbloed, Larghetto ostinato, Op. 12
Larghetto ostinato
After I (finally) finished the Fantasia I published last week, I wanted to compose new. And as I had learned that inspiration doesn’t come spontaneously, I just sat down and began writing. This Larghetto is the result. It started with just the idea for the first chord progression in bars 1 and 2. And it gradually grew from that first idea. Now that it is finished, I can hear it for what it is: an expression of all the emotions that have haunted me these last few months.
Though I started without any real plan, I’m quite proud of the result. The form is a simple A-B-A’-Coda, where the Coda is build on the material taken from the middle section. The music starts with a solid a minor chord in the first bar, yet most of the harmonies used aare mildly dissonant. The music ventues from and to a never really a minor tonality, never really f minor and never really e flat minor, using seconds, sixths, nones and undecimes as added notes to the chords. The music ends with a long chord sequence that almost reaches an a minor closing chord, but deep down an added f sharp keeps the music fomr reaching a consonant ending. Though the effect of the long closing chord sequence is that that last dissonance almost feels like a consonant.
The recording was done with the Hauptwerk software and the sampleset, made by Sonus Paradisi, of the Cavaillé-Coll organ in the St. Omer church in the city of St. Omer (
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