Category: Scores


Peter Hasse, Præambulum pedaliter

Peter Hasse (1586 – 1640) was a German organist and composer. His three surviving organ works are found in manuscripts alongside compositions by Sweelinck and his known pupils such as Andreas Düben, Samuel and...


H.M.T., Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ

This is the fifth of the unedited anonymus choral preludes from manuscript KN 209, owned owned by the Ratsbücherei in Lüneburg I have the privilige to publish. It is again a magnificent composition, based...


Anonymus, Ricercar

Lohet’s Fuga Prima is left without indication of a composer in manuscripot Ms Lynar B3. The composition that follows it, a Ricercar primi Toni, is equally left without an indication of the comnposer. It...


David Abel, Præludium (2)

The second prelude by David Abel in manuscript Ms Lynar B3 is very similar to the one I published yesterday. The main difference is that it is shorter. The manuscript indicates it as just...