Christian Erbach, Canzona tertii toni
This is the second post with a piece from the organbook of Matthias Rottenau. The book is divided in several parts, each of which contains one type of piece: Praeambule, Introiti, Toccate, Canzone, Capricci and Ricercare. In each part, except the part with Capricci, Erbach is present with several pieces. And in each part there are several or even a lot of pieces with no name of a composer attached to it. With so many pieces, it’s hard to chose which one to do next. So it’s a bit arbitrary that I choose a canzona of Erbach.
Even though it’s another type of piece than the Ricercare I posted last week it has a lot of similarities with it. It is reminiscent of a fugue, but has, compared with the Ricercar, more free episodes. And it has overall a lighter touch.
The recording was done on the sample set of the Bader-organ in the Walburgiskerk in Zutphen by Sonus Paradisi for Hauptwerk.
HW: Prestant 8′, Octaaf 4′,
RW: Quintadena 8′, Octaaf 2′
Erbach, Canzona tertii toni
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