Christian Erbach, Fantasia sexti toni
The ninth piece in manuscript Ms Lynar B3 is an anonymous Fantasia, written in the sixth tone. Though it is anonymous in this manuscript, in the organ book of Matthias Rottenau (held in the Staatsbilbiothek Berlin under signature Mus. Ms. 40615) it is designated to Christian Erbach. It is undoubtedly the same piece, though there are diffences between the versions in both manuscripts. For the largest part these differences are small variations in individual notes, of written out embelishments. The largest difference between the two versions is that the version in Lynar B3 is some 12 bars longer. The version in Lynar B3 attracted interest of researchers because is contains fingering instructions for parts of the piece. The version in Lynar B3 contains frequently an ornamentation in the form of two small lines. This form is akin to the Italina mordente. However, where the mordente is a trill downward from the main note, two indications in Lynar B3 suggest that here it is meant as a trill upward from the main note. Both the fingerings and the ornamentations are represented in the score as they appear in the manuscript. In my performance I ignore most of the ornamentations in the manuscript and make up my own ornamentations as I go along.
The recording was done on the sampleset, made by Voxus, of the Matthijs van Deventer-orgel in the Grote Kerk, Nijkerk.
Erbach, Fantasia sexti toni
Erbach, Fantasia sexti toni
Views: 14
It should be noted that the facsimile reproduction is only of the verso page, and to read the tablature properly, you have to have both pages, since the notation is read across the open book, not down each page.
I am of course well aware of the fact that usually (though certainly not always) German tablature is written acros both pages. The link in the score only leads to the first page of the relevant part of the manuscript (well, there I made a mistake as it leads to the second page; I’ll correct that shortly). When viewing that page you can click the link to the previous page or the next page to see ore of that same manuscript, including the other half of this Fantasia.