Christian Gottlob Höpner, Wer nur den lieben Gott (2)
The second prelude to the melody of “Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten” from Höpner’s opus 2 features the choral melody in the left hand. In this prelude the musical story surrounding the choral melody takes up an even larger role than in the first prelude. Höpner take almost one and a half minute to paint the mood of the choral before the choral melody enters. And after the choral melody has sounded, Höpner writes more than two minutes of music to bting the whole to a satisfying conclusion. I can only hope the rest of the choral preludes of Höpnber’s opus 2 are as beautiful and intense as this one.
The recording was done with the sample set of the Eisenbach organ of the St. Bartholomäus church in Friesach, by Piotr Grabowski
Höpner, Wer nur den lieben Gott (2)
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