Dietrich Buxtehude, Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist, BuxWV 209
I’m a few weeks early with this chorale prelude. The text of “Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist” is at least 700 years old. It is a prayer in German to the Holy Spirit, and in Lutheran liturgies it has been the main hymn (Hauptlied) for Pentecost.
But I got the sample set of the Müller-organ in the Sint Bavo in Haarlem today, and of course I had to try it on something.
The recording was done on the sample set of the Müller-organ in the Sint Bavokerk in Haarlem by Voxus Organs for Hauptwerk.
BW: Quintadena 8′, Baarpijp 8′, Dulceaan 8′
HW: Roerfluit 8′, Viola da Gamba 8′
Ped: Subbas 16′, Holfluit 8′
Buxtehude, Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist BuxWV209
Score (non alto)
Buxtehude, Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist BuxWV209 non alto
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