Ernest Grosjean, Offertoire bref
Ernest Grosjean (1844 – 1936) published “Pièces pour orgue ou harmonium”, a set of 56 pieces in two volumes, in 1902. The first volume contains 33 easy pieces, that can be played without the use of pedals. The second half of this volume is a section called “Pièces Funèbres”, pieces intended to be used during funeral services. The Offertoire bref is one of the harmonically more complex compositions of this set of pieces by Grosjean. Starting in d minor it touches key like a flat minor and e major. Structurally however it is as almost always in this set of pieces a straightforward A – B – A piece.
The recording was done on the sampleset, made by Augustine, of the Aeolian-Skinner Organ (Op 1132) of the Redeemer Church from New Haven.
Grosjean, Offertoire bref
Grosjean, Offertoire bref
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