Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg, Fuga à 4, G Dur
The four part fugua in G major is the last composition from Marpurg’s “Fughe and Capricci per l’clavicembalo o per l’organo”, of which a digital copy is available online on the websiote of the Bibliothèque National de France. The fugue consists of no less then 6 different expositions on the same fugue theme. In each of these expositions Marpurg plays with the possibilities for building a stretto on the fugue theme, except of course, in the first exposition. In the other expositions Marpurg employs different overlap points in the fugue theme. In this fugue Marpurg is actually showing off his contrapuntal abilities. As such it is a nice concluding composition of collection of fugues and capricci.
The recording was done with the Hauptwerk software and the sampleset, made by Sonus Paradisi, of the Bader organ in the Walburgiskerk, Zutphen (
Marpurg, Fuga à 4, G Dur
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