Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow, Wir Christenleut (LV 14)
Zachow’s prelude on “Wir Christenleut” is a kind of double fugue based on the first phrase of the choral melody and a counter subject. The first phrase of the chorale melody is played inverted as well, with a gain the same countersubject.
The piece is notated on two staves. Walther indicates the notes to be played on the pedals with a “p”. Strangely, he only assigns the choral phrase to the pedals. Where the countersubject occurs in the bass voice, he indicates it should be played on the manual. It seems an unlogical arrangement to me. I’d like to see if another source of the same piece indicates this same arrangement.
Until then, I think it more suited to play the counter subject on the pedals as well.
The recording was done with the sampleset, made by Sonus Paradis, of the Transept organ in the Laurenskerk, Rotterdam.
RW: Holpijp 8′, Roerfluit 4′
Ped: Spitsgedekt 16′, Spitsgedekt 8′
Tremulant R
Zachow, Wir Christenleut
Views: 14