Georg Friedrich Händel, Trio g moll, HWV 386a
Although Georg Friedrich Händel was said to be one of the finest keyboard players of his time, he was not a professional organist. He did not hold a church position, nor did he leave much published organ music. There are of course the organ concerti, but he did not write any large scale chorale prelude, or any of the free works Bach was famous for.
However, some of his chamber music lends itself very well to being transcribed for the organ. The Trio presented here today can be found in the same manuscript that holds the organ works of Johann Schneider. The music is written in the same hand as the organ works of Schneider. It is not known who the scribe of this manuscript is. But whoever he was, he delivered a fine transcription of one of the slow parts of Händel’s oboe sonata, HWV 386a.
The recording was done on the sample set of the Müller-organ in the Sint Bavokerk in Haarlem by Voxus Organs for Hauptwerk.
BW: Quintadena 8′, Baarpijp 8′
RW: Holpijp 8′, Tregter Regaal 8′
Ped: Subbas 16′, Holfluit 8′
Händel, Trio g moll, HWV 386a
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