Georg Friedrich Kauffmann, Du o schönes Weltgebäude
Kauffmann’s “Harmonische Seelenlust” contains six chorale preludes for the combination of organ and oboe. The oboe plays the chorale melody, while the organ plays and accompanying Trio. This prelude to “Du, o cschönes Weltgebäude” is the sixth and last of these works. Again, Kauffmann shows his talent for intricate trio writing. The motive introduced in the first bar in the right hand part is the main building block of the piece. It is present in almost every bar in one of the accompanying voices.
The recording was done on the sample set of the Müller-organ in the Sint Bavokerk in Haarlem by Voxus Organs for Hauptwerk. The recording is not really live of course. I first played the organ part. After that I played the oboe part and had to mix both recordings.
Kauffmann, Du, o schones Weltgebaude
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