Georg Friedrich Kauffmann, Nun komm der Heiden Heiland (3)
The third prelude by Kauffmann on “Nun kom der heiden Heiland” in Manuscript 22541 II (owned by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – PK). It is a four part fugue, based on the first line of the chorale melody, notated on just two staves in the manuscript. But since the voices are sometimes rather far apart, I think it is justified to play the bass on the pedals. I prepared two scores, one with manuals only, one with pedals, so anyone can chose what fits him best. The recording uses the version with pedals.
The recording was done on the sample set of the Silbermann organ of the Stadtkirche Zöblitz by Prospectum.
Score (pedaliter)
Kauffmann, Nun komm der heiden Heiland (3) pedaliter
Score (manualiter)
Kauffmann, Nun komm der heiden Heiland (3)
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