Georg Philipp Telemann, Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, TWV 31:49
The next piece in the series of advent choral preludes from manuscript Mus. ms. 22541 II is by Telemann. The piece is a bit strange. While playing it I can’t stop feeling that the piece could better be sung then played on an organ. Yet it would be very difficult to sing. Telemann’s writes some very strict counterpoint in this piece, resulting in some harsh dissonants. The stretto starting in bar 18 starts each entry of the subject one step higher on the scale. The result is three bars full of major and minor seconds and sevenths. It is almost a miracle the music doesn’t fall to pieces.
The recording was done on the sample set of the Silbermann organ of the Stadtkirche Zöblitz by Prospectum.
Score (pedaliter)
Telemann, Nun komm der heiden Heiland, TWV 31:49
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