Johann Adolph Scheibe, Partita II
Two manuscripts containing 7 keyboard partita’s are held by the Staatsbibliothek Berlin. The partita’s vary in length, the number of dances, their type and order seem somewhat arbitrary. But they all have one thing in common: they stick to the mind. Originally meant for harpsichord, they work very well on organ too. The seven partita’s form a collection of 51 pieces, each of which can be of great value in musical education, or as a quick to learn intermezzo during service. They are relatively easy, but written with great ingenuity and craftmanship. Practise one of them for half an hour, and you’ll find yourself humming the piece for the rest of the day.
The second partita contains 6 dances and is the only one to feature a rigaudon. Six fine pieces that sounds well on organ and harpsichord (and probably piano too, bit I did not try it).
The recording was done with the sampleset, made by Sonus Paradis, of the Transept organ in the Laurenskerk, Rotterdam.
00:00 Allemande
03:00 Courante
06:10 Sarabande
08:10 Rigadon
10:05 Bourée
12:15 Tempo di Menuetto
Scheibe, Partita II
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