Johann Balthasar Kehl, So gehst du dann mein Jesu hin
Johann Balthasar Kehl (1724 – 1778) was a German organist, cellist and composer. A few months ago I started a series with Kehl’s choral preludes, but only uploaded one piece. So it’s time to continue.
The choral “So gehst du nun mein Jesu hin” depicts the time of lent. Kehl emphasises the darker mood of this choral with slow often chromatic lines. To strengthen this mood a bit further I use the more stringy stops of the organ in Weissenau.
The recording was done on the sample set of the Holzey organ of St. Peter and Paul in Weissenau by Prospectum.
Kehl, So gehst du dann mein Jesu hin
For comparison: Andreas Osiander, made a videorecording of the same piece, using another sample set.
Views: 9
Thank you for posting this rather contemplative work. I’m interested in seeing what other pieces you have available.
Check the composer menu to see what’s already there. And I’m constantly adding new scores, so check back every now and then.