Johann Balthasar Kehl, Liebster Jesu wir sind hier
The next prelude from Kehl’s “Erste Sammlung einiger variierter Choräle” is the prelude to “Liebster Jesu wir sind hier”. Though a lot of Kehl’s music is technically not too demanding, in this case Kehl makes the prelude a little harder to play. After a stately, almost dignified introduction, Kehl accompanies the choral melody with a lot of 32th notes. There’s no obvious relation with the text of the choral, so probably Kehl wrotes those rapid notes just because he liked the effect.
The recording was done with the Hauptwerk software and the sampleset, made by Sonus Paradisi, of the Bader organ in the Walburgiskerk, Zutphen (
Kehl, Liebster jesu, wir sind hier
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