Johann Baptist Anton Vallade, Preambulum VI
The sixth prelude from Vallade’s “Dreyfaches Musicalisches Exercitium”. For a short biography of Vallade and the first prelude see here.
Again, I took the liberty to add some notes, in my performance, this time in the fugue. Just to give a bit extra motion to the second half of the fugue.
The recording was done on the sample set of the Holzey organ of St. Peter and Paul in Weissenau by Prospectum.
Vallade, Preambulum VI
Views: 28
großartige Seite mit wirklichen Schätzen, herzlichen Dank dafür. Leider funktionieren viele Downloads nicht, so auch dieser von Vallade. Mache ich was falsch?
Freundliche Grüße
Klaus Kaiser
The download link works when I try to download it. So, at least it is not a problem with a typo in the link or in the file.
A cause for the problems on your side could be that I’ve disabled hotlinking. Only dirct downloads work. If your system is configured to let Adobe download the file when you click the link of a pdf, taht won’t work. Sorry. You could try to right click on the link and then choose ‘save as’.
Thank you very much for your very fast answer an the solution for my problem, so the download ist working without any problems. It is a very nice peace, thanks for your work.
Have a niche day and Kind regards
Klaus Kaiser
You’re welcome. Have fun with Vallade!