Johann Christoph Oley, Werde munter mein Gemüte
In the manuscript this choral prelude has the indication “manualiter”. It is an unusual piece, in that it doesn’t sound as organ music at all. It feels more like a piece for harpsichord. So I decided to make a recording with a harpsichord as well.
The recording was done with the sampleset, made by Sonus Paradis, of the Transept organ in the Laurenskerk, Rotterdam.
The recording of the harpsichord version was made with the sampleset, made by Sygsoft, of a harpsichord build by Martin Bezemer. I used the version for Hauptwerk 1, but there is also a paid version for Hauptwerk 4.
Oley, Werde munter mein Gemüte
MP3 (harpsichord):
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