Johann Friedrich Fasch, Triosonate d moll, FaWV N:e1
A few months ago I published Fasch’s Triosonate in c moll (FaWV N:c2). Johann Sebastian Bach transcribed the first two parts of this Sonata for organ. For many years BWV 585 was considered a genuine piece by Bach, which shows the quality of the work of Fasch. When I decided to transcribe the other two parts as well, to create a full blown Triosonate for organ, the idea came to transcribe one of the other Triosonata’s by Fasch for organ as well. As Bach showed, the material of Fasch lends itself very well for transcription for organ, and I can only be surprised this hasn’t been done before (that I know of). I chose the sonate in e minor, for two flutes and basso continuo. The original is in e minor, I transposed it a second down, to make it more easy to play the piece. The transcription is not note-perfect as I took the liberty to change a note here and there. This was mainly done to make the piece better playable on the organ. As usual, the manuscript source is indicated in the score, so anyone can look up the original.
The idea to publish these two sonatas is one of the first ideas I had when thinking about what was to become Partitura Organum. So this score is already almost three years old. I needed all this time to expand my technique to be able to play this Sonata. It’s with a mix of pride, relief and a tiny bit of regret that I now publish one of the scores I treasure most. I hope you’ll enjoy playing it as much as I have enjoyed it, these past three years.
The recording was done with the sampleset, made by Organ Art Media, of the Arp Schnitger organ in Steinkirchen.
Fasch, Triosonate d moll, FaWV N:e1
Views: 33
Great one, I really appreciate the effort of You transcribing this for organ, great work! Really happy about this project, and inspired! Thanks!