Johann Georg Linike, Triosonate g moll
Johann Georg Linike (160 – 1762) was a German composer and violinist, who worked a large part of his live as Capelmeister at the court of duke Adolf Frederik III of Mecklenburg-Strelitz . He wrote mainly works for orchestra and chamber music. Though he worked as harsichordist as well, I found no mention of him playing the organ. So it’s not really in style to take one of his instrumental sonatas and play it on the organ. Nevertheless, it works very well I think. The music is Baroque in nature, yet already leans towards the newer galant period. This is mainly noticeable in the many repeated notes in the continuo part of this Sonata. It is a bit of an experiment to adapt this music for the organ, since that many repeated notes in the pedal part is not very idiomatic for organ music. Was the experiment succesful? I think it was. Everyone can make his own judgement, based on the recording or by playing the piece.
The recording was done on the sample set of the Johann Cyriacus Werner organ Müller-organ in the Pfarrkirchin Strassburg, by Piotr Gabrowsky for Hauptwerk.
Linike, Triosonate, g moll
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