Johann Heinrich Buttstett, Christ lag in Todesbanden
Johann Heinrich Buttstett was born in 1666 in Bindersleben and died in Erfurt in 1727. He was a pupil of Johann Pachelbel. In 1691 he became organist at the Predigerkirche in Erfurt. Buttstett was somewhat acclaimed as a teacher during his years at the Predigerkirche, surrounding himself with a circle of pupils. The most important of these pupils were Johann Gottfried Walther and Georg Friedrich Kauffmann. He composed numerous organ works, including thirty-six chorale preludes.
The recording was done on the sample set of the Van Dam organ (1832) in Tholen by Voxus Organs for Hauptwerk.
Buttstett, Christ lag in Todesbanden
Views: 11
Are you sure that this piece is by Buttstett? I thought it was attributed to Heinrich Bach, but I don’t know how certain this is.
The source is a manuscript by Johann Gottfried Walther and he ascribes it to “HB”. In its catalogue the Berlin Library ascribes ot to Buttstett. I follow that ascription.
“HB” could mean Heinrich Bach as well. And there are some similarities by Heinrich Bach’2 chorale prelude “Erbarm dich mein” (
So, to answer your question: no I am not sure, yet I have no conclusive evidence either way. For now I might as well stick with Buttstett.
Many thanks for your reply. I see the ambiguity: HB could be Heinrich Buttstett or Heinrich Bach. I am grateful to you for the source information and the details of the Berlin Library catalogue. I was surprised because I have only ever seen or heard of this piece attributed to Heinrich Bach previously.