Johann Ludwig Krebs, Trio F Dur, KrebsWV 447
The source for this charming Trio is an organ journal from around 1850. Published by Gotthilf Wilhelm Körner, it is available online as a digital copy. For my own enjoyment I made a transcription of it, and having done that, I might as well publish it. I made two versions. One version on three pages, taking in less space on the organ and taking less ink when printing. And one version on 4 pages, somewhat more easily readable, and ideal for playing from Ipad or tablet.
The first recording was done with the Hauptwerk software and the sampleset, made by Sonus Paradisi, of the Klapmeyer organ in the St. Nikolai church in Altenbruch (
The second recording was done on the sample set of the Bader-organ in the Walburgiskerk in Zutphen by Sonus Paradisi for Hauptwerk.
Score (3 pages)
Krebs, Trio F dur, KrebsWV 447
Score (4 pages)
Krebs, Trio F dur, KrebsWV 447
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