Johann Michael Bach, Nun lasst uns Gott dem Herren
(Update, 6 june 2018: Based on the Neumeister manuscript, this piece is more likely to be composed by Johann Michael Bach than by Johann Pachelbel. The text of the post is updated accordingly. The version based on the Neumeister manuscript can be found here.)
The fifth piece of the second fascicle of manuscript Mus. Ms. 30439 is a choral prelude on “Nun lasst uns Gott den Herren”. In some sources it is attributed to Johann Pachelbel. Johann Gottfried Neumeister however attributes it in his collection to Johann Michael Bach. The version in this manuscript differs in little details from the version in Neumeister’s collection and in more details from the version found in the Plauener orgelbuch. The voice leading in manuscript Mus. Ms. 30439 is more straightforward with less suspensions and retardations than in the Plauener Orgelbuch. Even the harmonies differ in two or three places. As with “Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr” by Johann Michael Bach it seems to be an older version then the version in the Plauener Orgelbuch. The version in the Plauener manuscript seems to represent how the more plain version of Mus. Ms. 30439 has transformed in the performance practice of the late 17th, early 18th century.
The manuscript gives no indication how this piece should be played. I play it with the choral melody as a solo voice. But it could be played with both hands on the same manual or even without using the pedals.
The recording was done on the sample set of the Müller-organ in the Sint Bavokerk in Haarlem by Voxus Organs for Hauptwerk.
BW: Quintadena 16′, Quintadena 8′, Baarpijp 8′, Sesquialter, Tremulant (RH, played one octave higher)
HW: Gemshoorn 4′
RW: Holpijp 8′
Ped: Subbas 16′, Holpijp 8
Bach, Nun lasst uns Gott dem Herren
Score (non alto)
Bach, Nun lasst uns Gott dem Herren (non alto)
Score (manualiter)
Bach, Nun lasst uns Gott dem Herren (manualiter)
Views: 37
Non alto: has no music score.
Typo in the link. Sorry.
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