Johann Philipp Kirnberger, Jesus meine Zuversicht
The chorale preludes by Kirnberger, contained in Manuscript Am. 386, owned by the Staatsbibliothek Berlin vary greatly in scope and texture. They range from elaborate bicinia, through virtuosic trio writing to four part textures. And from short to long. The prelude on the choral “Jesus meine Zuversicht” is in four part writing and relativly short. It is actually not more the a somewhat elaborately four part setting of the melody.
Nearly all the works in the manuscript are notated on two staves. It is therefore possible to see this piece as meant for manuals only, but it is equally possible to use the pedals.
The recording was done by Andreas Osiander, who also made a video with more background about piece and composer.
Score (manualiter)
Kirnberger, Jesus, meine Zuversicht, manualiter
Kirnberger, Jesus, meine Zuversicht
Views: 19
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