Johann Sebastian Bach (?), Nun lob mein Seel den Herren, BWV Anh. II 60
The Anhang II of Schmieder’s catalogue of Bach’s composition contains the spurious works. According to the manuscript sources they were composed by Bach, but there is doubt the authorship is correctly indicated. In the case of Anh. II 60 the doubt is, in my opinion, justified. It is a nice piece, that aptly expresses the mood of the choral. It just does not feel like a genuine Bach work. The harmonic development is too plain and the motivic treatment of the left hand part too simplistic. It is probably not a composition by Bach at all.
[Update, 5 Oct 2019] It turns out I’m a bit behind in my research. In some places this composition is attributed to Johann Gottfried Walther. This attribution is in my opinion perhaps a bit more likely than the attribution to Bach, but still doubtful.
The recording was done with the sample set of the Silbermann organ of the Stadtkirche Zöblitz by Prospectum.
Bach, Nun lob mein Seel den Herren, BWV Anh II. 60
Views: 132
It cold be a work of Johann Gottfried Walther,_BWV_Anh.60_(Bach,_Johann_Sebastian)
Yes, it is attributed to Walther as well. That attribution is however doubtful as well. See for example: