Johann Tobias Krebs, Trio c moll
Johann Tobias Krebs (1690-1762) was a German baroque composer and organist. He studied with both Johann Gottfried Walter and with Johann Sebastian Bach. In 1710 he was appointed Kantor and organist at Buttelstedt, near Weimar, and in 1721 he became organist and headmaster at nearby Buttstädt, where he remained until his death.
He is believed to be the composer of the Eight Short Preludes and Fugues previously attributed to J.S. Bach. The Trio presented here was attributed to Bach as well. It was transcribed from from manuscript 12011 owned by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
The recording was done with the Hauptwerk software and the sampleset, made by Sonus Paradisi, of the Schittger organ in the St. Martini-kerk, Groningen (
Krebs, Trio BWV Anh 46
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