Josef Ferdinand Norbert Seger, Fuga, C Dur (L 11)
Playing a composition by Seger brings the question whether or not to play it with the pedals or without. The pedal board of Seger’s organ in the Týn Church in Prague had in his day a pedal board that probably went no further up than the a of the small octave. Coincidentally or not, that exactly fits the range of a possible pedal part in this fugue, so in my performance I do use the pedals. The fugue has a lively theme that is easy to follow through all the voices. It is in essence a four part fugue, but most of the time only three parts are souding simultaneously. That makesit easier to play and also easier to follow the fugue theme through the different voices.
The recording was done with the sampleset, made by Sonus Paradis, of the Silberbauer organ in Kdousov (
Seger, Fuga, C Dur (L 11)
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