Josef Ferdinand Norbert Seger, Fuga con soggetto doppio (L 2)
A few days ago I started a new series with compositions by Fuga con seggetto doppio (see here. Today follows the second composition in this seris, a fugue with two subjects.
As far as i know there does not exist yet a complete catalogue of compositions by Seger. I did found some CD-recordings where the compositions had a catalogue-like indication, for example L 78, of CH IX. When I listened to the various compositions on those CD’s, it turned out that all the compositions with an L-number were taken from the same manuscript that I am working from. And what’s more, the numbers corresponded with the order of compositions in that manuscript. For example, the Phantasia in d Moll, L 8, on that CD, is indeed the eigth composition in manuscript Becker III.8.63. I guess the “L” is a reference to library where the source is held: the Leipziger Stadtbibliothek.
As there are a lot of compositions in this manuscript, some sort of numbering or indication is needed to keep them apart. The type of the piece and the tonality is not e nough as there are for example more than 20 preludes in C major. So I decided to adopt the numbering I first met listening to that CD, and give all the compositions and ” L-number”. The fugue I publish here today is the second composition in this manuscript, and therefore indicated as L 2.
The fugue shows Seger was very skilled in counterpoint. The fugues flows with a natural elegance and the result sounds as if writing a fugue is something easy to do. Well, perhaps for Seger it was.
The recording was done with the sample set of the Silbermann organ of the Stadtkirche Zöblitz by Prospectum.
Seger, Fuga con soggetto doppio (L 2)
Views: 24
Hello, I am very glad you have started this project. Seger is a really important composer for our instruments. There is a two volume Czech edition which can be found at
The pieces of your project doesn’t contain the Chech edition and/or there are a few (maybe many) new works by Seger?
Best regards,
Many of the pieces I’m going to publish are also in those two volumes available on IMSLP. The first prelude I published is an example: it’s nr XXVI of the first volume.
But there will also be many pieces not contained in those two volumes. I hope you\ll enjoy them.
Thanks! Coraggio! As the Italian says!
Dear Auke
I would like to point out a misprint in the title (SEGGETTO) of the score and in the body of the introduction, whereas it appears correct in the title of the pdf file, i.e. ‘Fuga con SOGGETTO doppio’.
Thank you for the superb work you have undertaken
Oops, silly mistake to make. Corrected now and thanks for pointing it out!