Josef Ferdinand Norbert Seger, Phantasia, d moll (L 8)
Seger’s Fantasia in d minor (L 8) is one of his compositions that is a bit more well known than the compositions I published till today. There are several performances of this composition available on youtube. Some played with the use of the pedals and some without. In my performance I use the pedals quite extensively, but in hindsight I wonder if perhaps it would have been better not to have used the pedals at all.
The composition starts with a simple two bar motif that is the building block of the entire composition. Though the fantasia starts in d minor, harmonically it goes up as high as the dominant of E major and down as low as the dominant of b flat minor. If Seger’s organ was not tunes in a more or less equal temperament, the music must have sounded quite daring.
The recording was done with the sample set of the Silbermann organ of the Stadtkirche Zöblitz by Prospectum.
Seger, Phantasia, d moll (L 8)
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