Josef Ferdinand Norbert Seger, Prælude, C Dur (L 16a)
Seger’s prælude in C Dur, L 16a, is closely related to his Præambulum in C Dur, L 5. Both preludes have the same two bars as the main musical material. After these first two bars each prelude develops the material in it’s own seperate unique way, till the last two bars, which are again identical in both preludes. It’s intruiging to see how Seger can create two completely different pieces with the same musical material. L 5 strikes me as a typical manualiter piece, with rapid notes in the left hand. L 16a on the other hand, feels more like a pedaliter piece with a more stately bass voice. In my performance I play the bass voice with the pedals, with the a in the small octave as the upper limit.
The recording was done with the Hauptwerk software and the sampleset of the Verschuren organ in the St Jan in Oosterhout, made by (
Seger, Prælude , C Dur (L 16a)
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