Heinrich Scheidemann, Wilhelm Karges, Fantasia in D, WV 83
Karges includes in his manuscript (AM B 340, owned by the Staatbibliothek Berlin) at least three works composed by Heinrich Scheidemann. One of those…

Johann Jakob Froberger, Fuga, d moll (FbWV 416)
Update, 27 december 2018: This fugue turns out to have been composed by Johann Jacob Froberger. The letters "F.S." are either an misattribution, they…

Wilhelm Karges (?), Fantasia
Manuscript Am. B. 340, owned by the Staatsbibliothek Berlin, contains three works that are generally believed to be composed by Wilhelm Karges: a…

Wilhelm Karges (?), Fantasia in A
Wilhelm Karges (1613 or 1614 – 1699), was a German organist and composer in the North German organ tradition. He was born in Berlin, where he spent…

Wilhelm Karges (?), Fantasia in D
[update, 21-03-2021] I finally deduced what the meaning is of this sign: It signifies a repeat. That means that in this particular piece there…

Wilhelm Karges (?), Fantasia in G
Manuscript Am.B. 340, owned by the Staatsbibliothek Berlin, contains some 45 organ pieces, presumably copied, adapted and/or composed by Wilhelm…

Wilhelm Karges (?), Præludium d moll
Manuscript Am B 340 contains three pieces that are generally believed to be composed by Karges himself. These are a Fantasia, Capriccio (though…

Wilhelm Karges & Johann Jakob Froberger, Capriccio
Manuscript Am.B. 340, owned by the Staatsbibliothek Berlin, contains some 45 organ pieces, presumably copied by Wilhelm Karges. Of some of the…

Wilhelm Karges, B.M, Capricio in A
The Capricio in A, written on folio 27 of manuscript Am.B 340 bears the intials "B.M.". It is unknown which composer is meantby these initials. As…

Wilhelm Karges, Capriccio
The third piece by Karges from manuscript Am. B340 is a piece called Capricio. Only the first half is (probably) written by Karges. The second half…

Wilhelm Karges, Capricio
The last Capricio from manuscript Am.B. 340 shows the characteristics of one of the Caprici Karges based on the compositions of Francois Roberday.…

Wilhelm Karges, Capricio in C
The last dozen or so compositions I published from manuscript Am.B. 340 were all compositions by either Sebastian Anton Scherer or Francois Roberday…

Wilhelm Karges, F.S., Capricio in D
Manuscript Am.B. 340 was presumably written by Wilhelm Karges. As was usual in those days composers were indicated with their initials rather than…

Wilhelm Karges, F.S., Fuga
Manuscript Am B 340 contains two fugues, that have the initials "F.S" written beneath the title. Presumably those are the initials of the original…

Wilhelm Karges, Fantasia 1 after Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck’s Fantasia Chromatica
Karges edited several pieces by Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck into more than one composition. He gives Sweelink's Fantasia Chromatica the same treatment.…

Wilhelm Karges, Fantasia 2 after Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck’s Fantasia Chromatica
Karges based at least two fantasia's in the manuscript on Sweelink's original Fantasia Chromatica. I say "at least" because there are two short…

Wilhelm Karges, Fantasia auff 2 Clavier
This is the last Echo Fantasia from manuscript Am.B. 340. It consists of two echo episodes and a closing episodes in which the echo play is not as…

Wilhelm Karges, Fantasia auff 2 Claviere
Four years ago I started publishing the compositions contained im manuscript Am.B. 340., owned by the Staatsbibliothek in Berlin. It has been a lot…

Wilhelm Karges, Fantasia Echo
The next composition from manuscript AM.B. 340 is again an echo fantasia. It is either an original composition by Karges, or an adaptation of a…

Wilhelm Karges, Fantasia in A (2)
The next composition in manuscript Am.B. 340 (after the Fantasia in G, published last week) is again an anonymous composition and I do not know on…

Wilhelm Karges, Fantasia in D
The Fantasia in D, written on folio 25 of manuscript Am.B 340 is again an anonymous work. It is again an Echo Fantasia and has many similarities with…

Wilhelm Karges, Fantasia primi toni
Wilhelm Karges (1613 or 1614 – 1699), was a German organist and composer in the North German organ tradition. He was born in Berlin, where he spent…

Wilhelm Karges, François Roberday, Capricio E vel A
Following the series of Caprici, based on composition by Sebastian Anton Scherer, manuscript Am.B. 340 contains several caprici based on compositions…

Wilhelm Karges, François Roberday, Capricio in d
This Capricio in d is based on Roberday's "Fugue 5me". Karges largely follows Roberday's original, but he adapts it to suit his needs. As with a lot…

Wilhelm Karges, François Roberday, Capricio in D
This Capricio in d is based on Roberday's "Caprice sur le mesme suject de Fugue 6me". Roberday's original consists of three episode of which Karges…

Wilhelm Karges, François Roberday, Capricio in g
Manuscript Am.B. 340, available as digital copy at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, was presumably written by Wilhelm Karges (1614 - 1699). The…

Wilhelm Karges, Heinrich Scheideman, Fantasia in G (after Scheidemann’s Canzona WV 74)
Even though Karges writes no initials below the title, the Fantasia in G is an adaptation of Scheidemann's Canzona, WV 74. Karges does not introduce…

Wilhelm Karges, Heinrich Scheidemann, Fantasia
The original source of this piece in manuscript Am B 340 is a manualiter Toccata by Heinrich Scheidemann. The practical source is a manuscript in…

Wilhelm Karges, J.P., Capricio in A
Manuscript Am.B. 340 was presumably written by Wilhelm Karges. As was usual in those days composers were indicated with their initials rather than…

Wilhelm Karges, Jan Pieterszoon Sweelick, Fantasia in D (after SwWV 260)
Karges was familiar with the compositions of Sweelinck through Andreas Düben (1597 - 1662). Düben was a pupil of Sweelinck in Amsterdam from 1614…

Wilhelm Karges, Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, Fantasia
The original source of this piece in manuscript Am B 340 is a manualiter Toccata in D Dorian by Johann Pieterszoon Sweelinck. This Toccata is…

Wilhelm Karges, Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, Fantasia (2)
The original source of this piece in manuscript Am B 340 is a manualiter Toccata in D Dorian by Johann Pieterszoon Sweelinck. This Toccata is…

Wilhelm Karges, Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, Fantasia d dorian
The original source of this piece in manuscript Am B 340 is a Fantasia in D Dorian by Johann Pieterszoon Sweelinck. The original fantasia is some 12…

Wilhelm Karges, Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, Fantasia in D
In manuscript Am. B. 340 Karges writes "J.P." below the the title of this composition. And in this case it is certain that he means Jan Pieterszoon…

Wilhelm Karges, Johann Jakob Froberger, Capricio in F
Wilhelm Karges (1613 or 1614 – 1699), was a German organist and composer in the North German organ tradition. He was born in Berlin, where he spent…

Wilhelm Karges, Præludium
This Præludium is the last composition from Am. B. 340. I started publishing the compositions from this manuscript almost 5 years ago and now…

Wilhelm Karges, Præludium quatri toni
The second piece by Karges from manuscript Am. B340 is a beautiful praeludium. It flows elegantly in long arching lines. There's not much in terms of…

Wilhelm Karges, Sebastian Anton Scherer, Capricio in C
Karges' Capricio in C is based on Scherer's Intonatio Secunda Quindi Toni. The capricio consists of three segments and only the middle one is a…

Wilhelm Karges, Sebastian Anton Scherer, Capricio in g
Karges' Capricio in g is based on Scherer's Intonatio Quarta Secunda Toni. The capricio consists of two segments and only the first one is a citation…

Wilhelm Karges, Sebastian Anton Scherer, Capricio in G
Karges' Capricio in G is based on Scherer's Intonatios Tertia and Secunda Octavi Toni. The composition is almost identical to Scherer's original.…

Wilhelm Karges, Sebastian Anton Scherer, Capricio Quarti Toni
Karges' Capricio Quarta Toni is based on Scherer's Intonatio Tertia Quarti Toni and Intonatio Quarta Quarti Toni. Karges follows the originals…

Wilhelm Karges, Sebastian Anton Scherer, Capricio Secundi Toni
Karges' Capricio Secundi Toni is based on Scherer's Intonatio Tertia Secundi Toni. Scherer's original only makes up the first half of Karges'…

Wilhelm Karges, Sebastian Anton Scherer, Capricio Septimi Toni
Karges' Capricio Septimi Toni is based on Sebastian Anton Scherer's Intonatios Tertia and Secunda Septimi Toni. As with the Capricio in G the…

Wilhelm Karges, Sebastian Anton Scherer, Capricio Sexti Toni
Sebastian Anton Schere was a German organist and composer who lived from 1631 - 1712. In 1671 he became organist of the cathedral in Ulm and remained…

Wilhelm Karges, Sebastian Anton Scherer, Capricio Sexti Toni
Karges' Capricio Sexti Toni is based on Scherer's Intonatio Tertia Tertii Toni and Intonatio Quarta Tertii Toni. Karges uses only the first 12…

Wilhelm Karges, Sebastian Anton Scherer, Ricercar Primi Toni
In his adaptations Karges did not only shorten the original compositions he based his adaptations on, sometimes he elongated the originals as well.…
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