Simon Lohet, Fuga 15
In his fiftheenth fugue Lohet experiments with inversion. After the first statement of the first theme, it is immediately answered by its inversion. The third and fourth statement of the theme are respectively its inversion and rectus form in stretto. After that Lohet repeats the same proces with different point at which he starts the stretto. And that’s just the first theme. The second theme gets more or less the same treatment, with (partly) inversion and different points at which the stretto starts. All in all quite elaborate and dense contrapunt. In just two pages!
The recording was done on the sample set of the Silbermann organ of the Stadtkirche Zöblitz by Prospectum.
Lohet, Fuga 15
Score (manualiter)
Lohet, Fuga 15 (manualiter)
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