Oscar van Durme, Prière
Oscar Van Durme (1876 – 1925) was a Belgian composer and organist. He was born in Exaarde. He studied organ in Sint-Niklaas and later at the Lemmens Institute in Leuven. Besides beging an organist he started composing as well. He composed mainly religious work, masses, cantatas and works for organ. His works were published in journals like “Le Journal des organistes” and “L’organiste moderne” and were often reprinted.
This Prière is a melodious work, firmly rooted in the romantic tradition, with an elegant harmonic language.
I found this work on the website of Johannus.com. They publish an organ work every month in there “musical contributions” series. The works themselves are often interesting, but the typographical quality is very poor in my opinion. So I re-typset the works I want to play myself. And having done that I might as well share them with whoever is interested.
The recording was done with the Hauptwerk software and the sampleset, made by Voxus, of the Stahlhuth/Jahn organ in the St. Martin’s church, Dudelange (https://www.voxusorgans.com/en/product/dudelange).
Durme, Priere
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