Scherer, Sebastian Anton

Wilhelm Karges, Sebastian Anton Scherer, Capricio in C

Posted on May 7th, 2022

Karges' Capricio in C is based on Scherer's Intonatio Secunda Quindi Toni. The capricio consists of three segments and only the middle one is a…

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Wilhelm Karges, Sebastian Anton Scherer, Capricio in g

Posted on May 11th, 2022

Karges' Capricio in g is based on Scherer's Intonatio Quarta Secunda Toni. The capricio consists of two segments and only the first one is a citation…

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Wilhelm Karges, Sebastian Anton Scherer, Capricio in G

Posted on Jun 29th, 2022

Karges' Capricio in G is based on Scherer's Intonatios Tertia and Secunda Octavi Toni. The composition is almost identical to Scherer's original.…

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Wilhelm Karges, Sebastian Anton Scherer, Capricio Secundi Toni

Posted on Jun 23rd, 2022

Karges' Capricio Secundi Toni is based on Scherer's Intonatio Tertia Secundi Toni. Scherer's original only makes up the first half of Karges'…

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Wilhelm Karges, Sebastian Anton Scherer, Capricio Septimi Toni

Posted on Jul 5th, 2022

Karges' Capricio Septimi Toni is based on Sebastian Anton Scherer's Intonatios Tertia and Secunda Septimi Toni. As with the Capricio in G the…

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Wilhelm Karges, Sebastian Anton Scherer, Capricio Sexti Toni

Posted on May 29th, 2022

Karges' Capricio Sexti Toni is based on Scherer's Intonatio Tertia Tertii Toni and Intonatio Quarta Tertii Toni. Karges uses only the first 12…

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Wilhelm Karges, Sebastian Anton Scherer, Ricercar Primi Toni

Posted on Mar 9th, 2020

In his adaptations Karges did not only shorten the original compositions he based his adaptations on, sometimes he elongated the originals as well.…

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