Paul Siefert (?), Fantansia Septimi Toni ex G Dur
The ninth Fantasia from manuscript Becker II 51, owned by the Leipziger Stadtbibliothek, is based on two themes or motives. Both are introduced in…

Paul Siefert (?), Fantansia Sexti Toni ex C
The eigth Fantasia from manuscript Becker II 51, owned by the Leipziger Stadtbibliothek, features again three sections, this time with three…

Paul Siefert (?), Fantasia primi Toni ex G bémol à 3 (Becker II.2.51)
A few years ago I published music composed by Georg Wilhelm Saxer (see here: Saxer, Georg Wilhelm). That music was taken from manuscript Becker…

Paul Siefert (?), Fantasia Quarti Toni ex E La Mi
The 13 fantasias in manuscript Becker II 51, owned by the Leipziger Stadtbibliothek, are left without indication of a composer in the manuscript.…

Paul Siefert (?), Fantasia Quinti Toni ex F bmol
The first fantasia quinti toni from manuscript Becker II 51 a single theme, though the composition is clearly divided into three sections. The theme…

Paul Siefert (?), Fantasia Quinti Toni ex F bmol (2)
The second Fantasia Quinti Toni ex F moll, from manuscript Becker II 51, owned by the Leipziger Stadtbibliothek, features three fugato-like sections.…

Paul Siefert (?), Fantasia secundi Toni ex D (Becker II.2.51)
The second fantasia from manuscript Becker II.2.51 is written in the second church mode, centered around tonal centre D. It has no less then 4…

Paul Siefert (?), Fantasia secundi Toni ex G bémol (Becker II.2.51)
The third fantasia from manuscript Becker II.2.51 is again a Fantasia written in the second church mode, this time cetered around G. It is a bit…

Paul Siefert (?), Fantasia tertii Toni ex E La Mi (Becker II.2.51)
The fourth fantasia from manuscript Becker II.2.51 is based on the third church mode, here centered around "E La Mi". I am not sure what this…
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